The clean energy transition is well underway in the US and Utah is well positioned to become a powerhouse in clean energy...we just need legislative leadership to move forward. The Utah legislature supported development of a Utah Climate and Clean Air Roadmap in 2019, but they have done very little to get us moving down that road. For a variety of reasons, our legislators have avoided implementing solutions for decades. Continued delays put our kids and grandkids futures more and more at risk.
Our climate situation is very concerning, as drought conditions continue to intensify, reservoirs are reaching record lows, wildfires have become larger, more frequent, and more intense, our snowpack continues to wither, and heat waves and dust storms become increasingly common. Most Utahns are concerned about climate change and want to see sensible solutions enacted.
I will propose and advocate for legislation that accelerates our transition from fossil fuels to cleaner, cost-effective renewables. And I will work to repeal legislation that has hindered progress in the transition to clean energy at the scales of individual home owners, businesses, and utility companies. Clean energy technologies will create far more jobs and opportunities than we will lose in the fossil fuel industry. And I'm committed to ensuring that people whose livelihoods have historically relied on the fossil fuel industry have opportunities to transition to good jobs that don't put our kids futures at risk.
Among the many steps that need to be taken by governments, businesses, communities, and individuals, I will support the creation of a carbon price, a market-drive approach to eliminating carbon pollution, as recommended by economists across the political spectrum as well as Utah legislators, though unfortunately they took no action on the issue during the 2022 legislative session. Putting a price on carbon pollution helps to ensure that the many of the costs of fossil fuel consumption are reflected in price, which will motivate businesses to invest in low-carbon options, help consumers choose a low-carbon products, while promoting economic growth.
I will work every day as a legislator to bring awareness about the issue to my constituents and colleagues in the legislature and build a coalition around our shared values of fairness, innovation, and protecting our kids and grandkids futures.