Why REPUBLICANS are voting for Patrick Belmont:
Republicans voting for Patrick Belmont are tired of the group-think mentality and party extremism and want to get back to principles that used to guide policymaking, like limited government, fiscal responsibility, and individual rights. These voters are concerned that Republican party leadership has become too extreme and divisive. They want to end the power grabs like Constitutional Amendment D that has been eliminated from the ballot by the conservative Utah Supreme Court on the grounds that the language was unacceptably misleading. Republicans voting for Patrick Belmont want to get back to problem solving in this country.
They know that a vote for ANY republican legislator is a vote for the ENTIRE SUPERMAJORITY. They know Patrick is a pragmatic and experienced leader, solution-focused, and committed to collaboration.
If you want a Utah Republican party that legislates based on Utah values, VOTE PATRICK BELMONT and show your GOP leaders that YOU WANT better, honest, and more moderate representation.
Why DEMOCRATS are voting for Patrick Belmont:
Democrats voting for Patrick are tired of not having any representation in the legislature. In Cache County, there has not been an elected Democratic legislator for decades. Blatant gerrymandering by the supermajority has attempted to ensure that continues to be the case for the foreseeable future. Gerrymandering is cheating and should not be tolerated in US politics.
The supermajority in the Utah Legislature means Republican lawmakers can pass legislation without input from the Democrats. Having fewer voices stifles innovation in policymaking and essentially silences the voice of Democratic voters.
Democrats voting for Patrick know that he is an experienced leader, has a strong record of non-partisan collaboration, and has 20+ years of professional experience in many of the most pressing issues facing Utah, including water, energy, education, and the economy.
If you are tired of Democrats being silenced at the legislature, VOTE PATRICK BELMONT. We can change THIS House seat, THIS election cycle.
Why INDEPENDENTS and others are voting for Patrick Belmont:
Independent, unaffiliated, and 3rd Party voters are choosing Patrick Belmont because they are tired of being left out of the 2-party system. They know the blue vs red antics are not getting us to a better place. They know it’s long overdue for an independent voice to have a seat at the table.
Voter affiliation in House District 3:
Unaffiliated and 3rd party - 36%
Democrat - 14%
Republican - 50%
They know Patrick Belmont is experienced in non-partisan leadership, and is ready to listen and take action on issues that matter to voters like fiscal responsibility, clean energy, air, and water, and an ethical government.
If you are ready for an independent voice at the legislature, VOTE PATRICK BELMONT for a new, independent voice at the table.